आज के अध्याय में हम जानेगे की Social Compliances के लिए हमें किस किस डाक्यूमेंट्स की आवश्यकता होती है के बारे जानेगें
आज हम सिर्फ एक चेकलिस्ट का मुल्यांकन करेगें
जिससे की कम्पनी में आने वाले ऑडिट की हम पहले से मुल्यांकन कर सके और यदि किसी भी प्रकार का दस्तावेज नहीं है तो सम्बंधित विभाग से प्राप्त करने की चेष्ठा करेगें
इस प्रकार पुनर मुल्यांकन करने से ऑडिट के दिन किसी भी प्रकार की परेशानी सामने नहीं आएगी
जो इस प्रकार है
विडियो देखने के लिए सबसे ऊपर SOCIAL COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST पर क्लिक करें
will know about which documents we need for Social Compliances. Today we will
evaluate only one checklist So that we can evaluate the audit coming in the
company beforehand and if there is no document of any kind, then we will try to
get it from the concerned department. Thus, re-evaluation will not cause any
problem on the day of audit.
which is like this
ks-compliances |
Audit-check-list |
Audit-check-list |
Audit-check-list |
Audit-check-list |
Audit-check-list |
Thanking You
Requirement Documents For Audit
1. All Employee Personal Files
2. All Factory Act Registers
3. Company Social Policies
4. Approval Of Drawings
5. Attendance Record Last One Year
6. BLUE PRINT (Lay Out)
7. Boiler Inspection (Testing) Report
8. Bonus Record
9. Casual Leave Record
10. Certificate Of Stability
11. Dg Set Incpection Report
12 Dic
13 Earn Leave Record
14 Electrical Equipment Checking Record
15 Electrical Inspector Permition
16 Esic Challan
17 Esic Payment
18 Factory Licence
19 Fire Equipment Record
20 Fire Noc
21 First
Aid Certificate
22 Grievance
23 Health
& Safety Committee
24 Health
25 Iec
26 Internal
Complaint Committee
27 Minimum
Wages Notification
28 Minor
Injury Record
29 Mock
30 Orgnization
31 Pay Slip In Hindi (Local Language)
32 Pf Challan
33 Pf Payment Proof
34 Process Flow Chart
35 Risk Assissment
36 Rpcb Consent To Operat
37 Salary Sheet Last One Year
38 Social Annual Mrm
39 Standing Order
40 Suggestion Box Opening Record
41. Training Record
(a) Health & Safety Training
(b) Fire Safety Training
(c) Ppe Training
(d) About Socoial Policies
(e) Worker Benefits
(f) Legal Requirements
(g) Code Of Conduct
(h) Human Rights
(i) Others …………………..
42 Water & Other Test Report
43 Works Committee Election Record
44 Works Committee Meeting Record